Driven by the advances in electronics and communication, the concept of info transport prevails in the transport industry for presenting new business opportunities. Today, forward-thinking transport companies are proactively re-formulating their strategies to improve customer service and aim to leverage on their existing infrastructures to implement value-added services. For example, outdoor advertising at bus shelter and in-vehicle LCD advertising in addition to car body advertising has become a significant revenue generator.

To provide better passenger information is the service pledge for transport companies. Especially for passengers who are not familiar with the routing, it's important to disseminate the next stop information so that people know where to get off the vehicle. So in-vehicle station announcement system becomes a necessity for ensuring a good service image. While next vehicle arrival for waiting passenger at station is another service that is mostly desirable. It will also be beneficial to provide value-added content like news headlines and weather forecasts so as to keep passengers entertained inside vehicle or waiting in the station.
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